We at A Safe Space to be Me would first like to welcome you to our website. Hello... And secondly say a huge well done for taking the first step on your journey to improving yours, a friend, a colleague or a family members emotional well-being.
Our vision is be able to provide a holistic and systemic approach to family and community support, building positive relationships. Future proofed.
"What Matters",
I Matter
You Matter
We All Matter
Within our communities, we have begun the process of promoting togetherness and building bridges by the facilitation of workshops by local people for local people. With community development being at the heart of our plans for the future of the towns we work in.
We at A Safe Space believe that everyone should be able to access the very best of mental health care, free in community settings. Because of this we have established our free counselling service in both Antrim & Crumlin.
In June 2021, the group found out that they had been awarded the very prestigious Queen's Award for Voluntary service. This was presented to the group by the Lord Lieutenant Mr. David McCorkell in a civic ceremony held in Antrim Castle Gardens on Friday 10th September. The Queen's Award is known as the MBE of groups and is the highest accolade awarded to volunteer groups.
Antrim Counselling Hub
The counselling hub was the first project every opened by A Safe Space to be Me 4 in 2017 and has grown from strength to strength in this time. Outgrowing our office space at least 5 times as we grew and expanded!
We are now settled in the picturesque, listed building of the old police station in Antrim. With 5 counselling rooms & a disability access suite available at all times for service users who may not be able to use the stairs in the counselling hub.
For more information on our counselling drop us an email at info@asafespacetobeme.co.uk
Hours available for counselling
Monday to Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Crumlin Community Hub
The hub in Crumlin first opened it's doors in 2019, and since then the range of services offered have adapted to meet the needs of the community we serve. As a mental health charity, we look to have we can support people in all area, meaning that counselling isn't the only things that happens in Crumlin Hub. With a large back hall that is suitable for all kinds of occasions, a lot of our activities and workshops run in this as well as giving the community the opportunity to hire it out, be it a birthday party, training space or consultations.
Our Nurture Café at the front of the building is our version of an honesty café. Donation based, it's the perfect spot for a fry or coffee and cake. As a member of the Chatty Café Scheme, we do out utmost to ensure ever service user is met with a friendly face.
We also provide outside catering and details of this can be found here.
For more information on our Crumlin services drop us an email at info@asafespacetobeme.co.uk
Opening Hours
Monday 0830-1630
Tuesday 0830-1630
Wednesday 0830-1630
Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1630
Crumlin Community Larder
Monday 1000-1500
Tuesday 1000-1500
Wednesday 1000-1500
Thursday 1000-1500
Friday 1000-1500
Saturday subject to donations
Birthday Party Enquiry
How Can We Help?
Use this form to enquiry abut available party dates.
Moo Music
Moo Music is a great fun and interactive regular music session for 0 to 5 year old children and their parents, grandparents or carers too, where the children sing, dance and play. Music is an essential part of every child's development and the 125 original Moo Music songs used at the sessions are positive, uplifting, fun and educational. The interactive sessions will help your child gain confidence and develop memory, language and coordination skills in an exciting, enjoyable and multi-sensory way. It's a great way to make new friends - both for the children and the adults too!